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Student Life

QUBES are on the move! Here we will share our fun and exciting activities we had both on and off campus. Keep your eye on our exploration of study life in Japan.



I first met Mr Ryuzoji, CEO and founder of HONDA KIKO CO., LTD,  at KEEP (Kyushu Explore & Experiance program) organized by Kyukeiren in Tenjin. In his talk he stressed very much about the importance of utilizing international graduates in Japanese SMEs (Small and Meduim size companies) of Kyushu. He gave us the advice to learn more Japanese and to get envolved more into the community. Our coordinator Tamura-Sensei then organized for us a very important visit to his company in November 2015. On the 10th we visited his company which lies 1 hour bus-ride from Ito Campus. I had to make a presentation with my Friend Oybek infront of the employees, graduate students, and other students in the same batch.
Our presentation was about spreading HONDA KIKO business in the Middle East and Uzbekistan. Our presentation was good and we had a lot of questions. Afterwards we took the tour in the factory and we learned about working environment in Japan. The most intersting part for me was seeing non-Japanese employees adapting to the the Japanese way of work. 
It was very valuable experiance in one of the fastest growing companies of Kyushu. 
Abdelrhman Said | Mechanical Engineering Course of 2013