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QUBES are on the move! Here we will share our fun and exciting activities we had both on and off campus. Keep your eye on our exploration of study life in Japan.

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A Trekking Trip in Karatsu

Last Sunday (2014.12.14), I went to Karatsu for joining a trekking trip with my classmate Richard Wu. Actually, at first I thought it would be just a hiking trip, and it will be more like going sightseeing around Karatsu, but it was not. We started our trip after a few minutes of preparation and practice, and everyone got a stick to help themselves climbing the mountains.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1508561_1508892572717900_1732317129793821983_n.jpg?oh=3e6ad1e9a96e6974ee848edc1daf28a4&oe=55062292&__gda__=1427038762_a0c6aa7cb66ad5b17e9b26908620d7a6   https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1475783_1508892592717898_6896446636748772901_n.jpg?oh=31fd0ed058ab2412093a73840155e178&oe=54FC0406
And that is truly climbing, which I mean there is no road for you to walk, but just narrow paths that you can go through the forest. And when we reached 2km, we got two oranges.
The speed was not very fast, but they introduced us the history here, so it took us a lot of time from one point to another point. And this trip actually has a very strong connection with the history about Kanbei Kuroda. So it was quite difficult for us to understand it, if you can speak Japanese very well and know a little about the history, you can enjoy more about the trip.
We got two cups of tea at 3.7km. The tea was very delicious with lovely snacks. At that tea house we had a break and took some rest.
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