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Student Life

QUBES are on the move! Here we will share our fun and exciting activities we had both on and off campus. Keep your eye on our exploration of study life in Japan.

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Our Sunday in Kitazaki

On Sunday December 4th 2016, our IUPE students were invited to join a walking tour in Kitazaki, a nearby fishing community. Besides having a chance to explore more about Kitazaki, we were able to taste yummy seafood prepared by local people. We will gain an insight into the trip by following two IUPE students, Sean and Cong Trung.
Sean (2nd year in Civil Engineering)
Actually today marks the first time I have visited Kitazaki since coming to Japan. My first impression is how hospitable the locals were to us, as they drove their cars to pick us up at Ito Campus, and then drove us back. On my way there, I saw lots of perfectly shaped, pristine beaches with magnificent rocks and turquoise-blue water. As waves lapped against the shoreline, there was intricate pattern formed along the smooth sand. For me, Kitazaki is a tranquil and charming fishing community where people and nature are perfectly mixed together.
The locals welcomed us with grilled fish and oysters which they caught from nearby sea. The mackerel fish were deliciously briny and the oysters were succulent.
Cong Trung (1st year in Applied Chemistry)
Though my body was a bit quivering due to the raining and cold weather, today was still fantastic for me. I still vividly remember the perfectly cooked tenderness of the fish and the richness of the oysters. I saw some lovely playful cats in Kitzaki and they were quite friendly to humans. They didn’t run away when I approached them, but those cats were so naughty that I had to spend lots of time taking photos of them playing with grass.               

I enjoyed breathing fresh air and walking around. After reaching the top of a hill, I was able to see the entire surrounding scenery with a spectacular view. From what I saw and listened to, I had a genuine observation of life in Japan.

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