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Takeaway points from internship experience - 2015

Summer Internship 2015 – Shimizu Corporation India Pvt. Limited
I decided to do my internship after my fourth semester during the summer break for one month and it turned out to be one of the best learning experiences ever as SHIMIZU CORPORATION is one of the leading design-build general contractors, whose line of business includes construction, architecture, engineering and property services.
The on-going project that I had the opportunity to work with is an industrial construction project for ISUZU MOTORS in Sri City, about 70 kms from Chennai India, the nearest port. Since this is ISUZU’s maiden venture in India, Shimizu has extended its service in terms of site selection, certifications, design and build.

My internship period was for a total of 4 weeks, which enabled me to participate and learn from different departments and also to make good contacts and learn from the engineers on-site.
Week Department
Week 1 Introduction, QA/QC
Week 2 QA/QC, Safety
Week 3 Finance, Survey
Week 4 Planning
My mentor (senior engineer) from the Quality department allowed me to join their daily work schedule, to observe, to ask questions and learn. Since the project was near completion, there used to numerous site inspections from various parties, such as design team from Singapore, client requirements, management perspective and engineer's view point. It was interesting how one project can be viewed in such different aspects. But the best part was when they assigned me work just like another member of the team.
On day one, I understood the importance of communication and being a multi-linguist. India being a huge country has many spoken languages with people from all around working together and as engineers, we happen to be the bridge between management and labors. And this applies to all other fields. This internship opportunity also helped me to grow up as a person. Though construction business is mainly a male-dominant field, I realized that nothing is impossible or hard if we have the right attitude towards life and work. It made me more confident about myself and helped me to make a wise and knowledgable choice about my specialization field.

For students who are planning to do internship, don’t have second thoughts. Just do it. Because it will be a huge eye-opener. You will experience work culture and the actual fieldwork.  It will also help you to make decisions about your specialization and explore your field of interest. Make sure to pick an internship program that fits your specialization rather than a more general easy option, simply because you will learn so much from the professionals in the field.
My final piece of advice to fellow students will be ‘Ask questions’. People are always ready to help and teach you. Don’t be too shy to ask questions and show interest. It is the primary way of learning. Ask questions and you shall be answered.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to Tamura sensei, Matono san, professors and Kyushu University for all the support and faith in us! And to the management, engineers, team members and my mentors in SHIMIZU Corporation India for making this internship possible. Thank you.
Iswarya (Civil Engineering)

PS: If interested to read my detailed technical report, you can reach out to me anytime. 
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